Friday, 16 March 2012

Editing 9 scrapping map

We became quite ruthless with the cutting down and editing of our film this week. It was still over 3 minutes and felt as though it was dragging on.

We deleted a few clips in our sequence, ones we felt were a bit boring or long and were making the opening drag a bit. I was hesitant to delete the shots so quickly as it felt we had spent so long on editing each part. However we had got to the stage where it had to be done and looking back on the week and our film without theses clips it has tidied up the sequence and it looks more effective.

The map was taking up the most of our time and we were having trouble making it flow within the sequence especially getting the still flowing into action. We therefore decided to scrap the effects on the map and instead of showing it four times only show it once in the final location of the opening sequence. This was quite annoying as the map had taken up so much of our time and effort that we were just going to delete it, but after seeing it without the map I think we made the right decision.

We spent some time making sure the map wasn't visible in previous shots and worked on the zoom of the image out of the map and into motion. We did this on Final Cut 3.51 by going to effects, video, quick time, transitions, zoom.

We were now able to continue with credits, I found this quite exciting as it finally felt as though the film was coming together and started looking professional.

We also created the AfterShock! name on Live type, this was difficult but i think the choice of background was suited to our film. 

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